

Monday, August 10, 2009

all i have to say is,
i'm very happy (:

and aksone called me!!!!
i miss her sooo much.
and the schooling at sweden is so cool lah,
she told me they hardly even study,
seldom have tests,
go to sch for their friends,
dont have to pay for ANYTHING.
i miss her i miss her i miss her.
she said she might be coming back for a visit.
but she dk when.
but she'll be calling me againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
so yeah (:
hahaha, got surprised when she called
cos she developed a really cool accent.
1:40 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

hahaha, hope you enjoyed yourself today(:
everyone thought bev was faking her birthday.
so hilarious~
and aft sch i went starbucks with her, nicole and jiajia :D
and project work was ok i guess
and i had a mind block during lunch.
all of a sudden i didnt know what to say.
and WTH, tmrw got food science again.
abit boring ah.
but they say tmrw one funner.
and and and my new favourite song now is:
yes, hannah montana.
oh and i think the new math teacher is soooo weird.
jeez, he came to me and asked me if i had a problem.
then i was like,
erm, no?
then he was like staring at me and my work like it was infested with ants or sth.
but he abit funny ah...
projects projects projects.
tests tests tests.
its frying my brains.
i CANNOT catch up
oh and ystdy was the BEST.
hahahah, real fun(:
oh and cos me and bev were sitting with ea other in the bus
and dinah and therese,
then aft that grace and chien hui like,
split us all up cos they say we are the noisiest.
but we ended up tgt anyway :D
dinah therese bev and me were
doing some marriage proposal thingy
and it was damn funny.
dont ask why we did it.
cos we had ALOT time to kill.
and then dinah and i were arguing abt some
milo and soup thing, HAHAHAHAHA! the funniest(:
and then the make up part also funny.
i will NEVER help bev put mascara ever again.
and then when we were performing the first song,
eveyone was like having the "what are they singing??"
expressions on their faces.
then the next few were better (:
we left at like, 9.15 when we reached there at like, 1?
thats abt it
6:20 PM
Monday, July 27, 2009
i see you everywhere

this is serious.
blogger officially has a problem.
stayed back to watch the o level drama ppl.
they are all damn funny i tell you.
and they're all veh good.
so dramatic. FOR REAL.
i'm surprised no one chased me out cos i was the only audience...
i think i'll go next wk tooooooo(:
oh and tdy's math test was okay i guess.
and i got back my chinese test paper, YAY :D
and i slept through science lesson.
NOT on purpose.
i accidentally fell asleep.
HAHA, xintian said she tried waking me up.
everyone was sleeping i realised aft tt.
no surprise.
the lesson was SO boring
and omigee.
tdy, ms tan held us back in class before MT,
and we thought it was cos' we are quarantined or sth,
then all the ppl who comes to our class for chinese
were like all outside.......
in the end she still neh come
and then i found out tt she held us back to scold us lor.
cos EVERY group didnt hand in the mindmap due tdy.
zzz, we're gonna get it tmrw i guess.
she's like a volcano waiting to explode, i swear.
the clay marble is quite a nice story lor.
i realised :D
AND, i caught lots of fish in pet society.
i think they're all major cute (:
and yah, sch was fun tdy i guess,

kk thats all.
5:47 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
someday it'll happen

LOL, i think sch was FUN FUN FUN today :D
haha, rachel raja got suspected H1N1
D: nehmind, i'll be praying for you!
but cos of her, our class is quarantined and we cannot go for recess (bring packed food, EVERYBODY, back to primary one again!)
and we cannot step outta the class and i couldnt go for choir today and i dont think i can perform for speech day tmrw. D:
wl, i practice until like that then tell me i cannot perform tmrw.
so what lor.
but then maybe can, ask ms chan first :D
oh and tdy's egg coursework was damn funny!
hahaha, all of us dunno what to do,
then so confused.
then our grp got marks deducted
cos we were noisy -.-
then aft that we camwhored abit.
HAHA, thy shall post the photos
when i feel like it.
oh and ms ramlah saw us camwhoring
then she was like,
"y'all want to take pics can, but make sure dont post on blah blah blah..."
quite nice, but oh well!
haha, then ya,
basically teachers just kept coming in and out of our class
to tell us abt the H1N1 thingy.
so cool, NOT that i'm saying rachel having H1N1 is cool.
i should be having rehearsal now lor :/
gotta go tuition now
4:14 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
hope time goes back

i love this new skin.
i think its pretty awesome(:
and YES! haha, K!M
tom felton the best rightttttt?????
today was fun i guess?
though i thought i was going to faint in choir, i'm not kidding.
i sing sing sing then sweat sweat sweat,
the hall no ventilation one lor.
and today i learnt more lame tricks.
got one is the "what does grandma likes?" aka fuzzy wuzzy.
and then i learnt the: this is A, this is B, this is C, where is D? thingy.
hahaha, and the bangbangbang and take picture.
all is ivie and lynette teach one.
heehee, so funny!
oh and bev missed choir cos she got her remedial thingy :/
and then ate lunch with CRYSTALLLLLLLLLL.
haha, i enjoy every minute with her,
she so funny.
and PS YES BEV, i enjoy every minute at macs with you too(:
which reminds me that i have no life.
i go to macs like practically everyday without buying anything at all.
today went with bev, vans and mary.
haha, or prolly cos i love the fries.
but OH WELL.
i plugged it in, and it wont freaking charge lahhhhhhhh!
and before i forget.....
kk, i better go off now.
8:31 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

there's sth wrong with blogger.....
sch was like, ok today.
except that racia harmony is like any other normal day but then still must do some calendar thingy.
but wtv lah.
OH and still got PW,
its like irritating shit lah, so many things must do...
and wth, i think crystal and jiajia went home cos they got like, cough or sth.
the sch is WAY too uptight abt this thingy alr.
choir tmrw and i gotta learn all my scores before i'm like beheaded or sth.
and rachel raja is damn funny!
HAHAHA, today we did the calendar thingy and rachel raja was saying so many stupid things lah.
and aft PW went to macs with bev
and met kia nicole.
funny people i tell you.
and hahaha,
okokok gtg.
6:38 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009

i think its nice :D
and btw, this post is all about harry potter cos its my new FAVOURITE movie now.
went to watch with ALOT of ppl ystdy.
had to book tickets in advance lor,
if not i bet go there only 1 seat also wont have one.
we like, book the whole row and its the last row right at the back.
not bad ah, just the light very irritating only lah.
you all should go watch, its not bad.
and got some surprises also lor.
dinah like know the movie veh well like that,
then she was like, "thats cos i read the book!"
and beverly was being the usual loser she was during the movies.
draco malfoy is so damn good looking lah.
i just found out that his real name is tom felton.
i had fun ystdy bahhh.
and now i'm all about harry potter!
its the awesome-nest thing to me now.
heehee, go watch go watch go watch
half the time during the movies i was SUPER DISTRACTED.
by bev and some other stuff.
and i didnt really understand,
and it didnt look like the movie was harry potter cos it started off
in a city.
that never really happens in harry potter yknow.
so yeah, and cos i neh read the book,
so i also a bit blur blur lah.
but then can understand and find it interesting can alr lah...

school was ok i guess,
but we have to fold CRANES.
seriously, they think we got alot of time
and i cant even fold one without someone helping me.
so yeah,
9:42 PM
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